Golf teaches your children patience, anger control and persistence

I remember vividly the first time i held a golf club in my hands it felt very odd. And then swinging it and hitting a small ball with it seemed close to impossible. And yet, i had seen professional golfers, like Tiger Woods and Thomas Bjørn play so elegantly on the telly, making it look so easy.

But golf is hard to learn and extremely difficult to master. It takes incredible patience, handling of your frustrations and training, training, training. And your game benefits from making long term plans and setting goals for success. It is an individualist game, it is always a competition against your own ambitions and image. Golf has the steepest and the longest learning curve of any mainstream sport or game as far as i am concerned.

My point is. These attributes of learning and playing golf are brilliant for teaching your children handling those exact emotional and physical traits. It develops your child's ability to handle emotions and deferring gratifications. It is simply a personality developing game that is also great fun, can be played with friends and family for developing social skills. It develops good manners and adhering to a certain etiquette and playing honest. The benefits are nearly endless.

Therefore i teach my daughter golf and we go hitting some balls on the driving range whenever she feels like it. So far we have gone 5 or 6 times and her swing and her patience has already improved notably. And she loves when she hits it in the sweet spot and drives 125 meters ... Then we do a high-five and she gets a "way to go" :-) ... It is a fantastic way to share sports with your children.

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