A suggestion to improve google map 給google map 的一個建議

Have u ever been to somewhere with strange names while travelling. Without knowing the language , you could hardly enter the name into google map, cuz u don’t even know use what or how to use the input keyboard. So here’s my suggestion, to add a function in google map which is like the QR code function, but this time you will take a picture of the capture of the place on google map . And google map will search the place for you directly.

For example you are tourist and u are going to this place in Korea, you rent a car and want to drive yourself there or u wanna walk to there with the aids of google map. However u can’t search it with names, so u can use the capture of google map on the leaflet or somebody travel blog or books.


不知道大家有沒有試過在外旅行或者去一些名字奇奇怪怪的地方,語言不通的情況下你連在google map 上輸入地方名字都很難,因為你根本不知道用什麼輸入法才能寫出,就是知道了你也不懂那個語言啊。所以我有個建議,就是新增一個功能是可以用google map 的截圖來直接搜尋,例如餐廳的傳單上有著不知名語言的地址外,還有旅遊書上餐廳在googlemap上的截圖,應該可以減少不少麻煩。

比如說你是一個遊客,來到韓國想以自駕遊的方式或者走過去這裡,然而打開google map 你卻不懂寫韓文,那麼有了這功能後你就能從傳單上或者旅遊書上直接拍下他在googlemap 上的截圖然後直接搜尋。


Well this is just an idea that suddenly pop out of my head when I’m boring so don’t treat it too serious~


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