👀 #GooglyEyes 📷 Dirk Dispatch - Things With Eyes Vol.49

This is Dirk.

Dirk Dispatch.

GooglyEyes Dirk Dispatch Shot 1

I've met Dirk many weeks ago and I've been wanting to introduce him to the Googly Family on steemit for a while.

But every time I came by, there would be cars parking right in front of his face, hiding him from my camera. But finally today, luck was on my side and there weren't any cars parked here, and so I now get to give him his long overdue introduction.

GooglyEyes Dirk Dispatch Shot 2

This is where he lives, tucked against the wall, always fully focused on his purpose.

He knows he has an important job, protecting angry pixies from the rain as they rush through with near light speed.

GooglyEyes Dirk Dispatch Shot 3

And he takes his job seriously, so he doesn't give in to the panic of getting his face dented by some inattentive driver in a hurry. He stays right where he is, right where he's needed.

Because Dirk is a serious man taking care of serious business.

GooglyEyes Dirk Dispatch Shot 4

No, I'm just kidding! He's actually a goof-ball and all the angry pixies in his head are making him quite loco. But that story was too complicated and it has been a long day.

Maybe you can guess what he's up to when nobody's looking and why he's trying to act all serious for the camera?!

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