👀 #GooglyEyes 📷 Papermoney Pablo - Things With Eyes Vol.50

My 50th #GooglyEyes.

But lets not make a big deal out of it.

Or maybe I should? But not now, that can wait.

Just let me introduce you to this dude I met last night.

This is Papermoney Pablo

certainly not the brightest one of my googly friends.

GooglyEyes Papermoney Pablo Shot 1

It was getting late last night, or should I say early this morning? I decided some fresh air would probably clear the mind and calm the senses, so I packed my camera and went out into the night for a walk.

It wasn't long until I came by this pole on the side of the road. Somebody must have lost their cap and a kind passer-by had probably put it up there. I stopped for a moment when he suddenly opened his eyes.

GooglyEyes Papermoney Pablo Shot 2

Duuuude, I'm telling you, the bubble is burtsing!

That's the end of the tulip mania!

Now watch all the terrorists and ransom hackers lose their riches!

I've told you! Don't trust unregulated money!

Bitcoin is dead!

I tried to reason with him, about what comes up must come down, how this was just a healthy correction, but he wouldn't listen to me. He just kept rambling on and on.

I decided I wouldn't waste my time any longer with somebody who has his head stuck in the last millenium. I left him there and went back home to watch the markets recover.


My message today is simple: Don't just think about the profits, think about principles and support the ideas that you believe in. This isn't trading advice, that cap just happened to say "Fiat" and so I went with that :P

everything is better with #GooglyEyes

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Win SBD and SP delegations by sticking #GooglyEyes on things! [read more]

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