Three Stooges for a #Googlyeyes & #Makemesmile Day !! 👀😀

Everything is better with #googlyeyes! @fraenk

INDEED! We are preparing to start a new lunar new year here, or we call it Chinese New Year (CNY) this side of the world. So, I have been trying to do some laundry and spring cleaning, but it hasn't been much success yet with many pre-CNY shopping and preparations. Finally today, I did some laundry and boy, that satisfaction!!!

Anyway, I'm not writing about my laundry today. Hahaha. That sounds a bit lame to be posted. I was hanging out the clothes at my home balcony, when I saw some cute features and of course, I reached out for my googlyeyes.

I found "three stooges" on my balcony 'iron bars' (sorry guys, I'm not sure what is the accurate term).

First, introducing the little one who sometimes tells lies, hence its elongated nose. This is "Pinocchy"! Being the youngest, it is the most mischievous among all three. It has always come out with crazy ideas and land its other brothers in trouble.



My son loves this one so much. He told me, "So cute!" He then sat and had a "chat" with it.


Next, comes the middle brother, "Oh-my-Goodness"! Its name explained it all: it is easily awed and shocked by any finds. Well actually, that's what Levi said when he saw googlyeyes on this. So I named it after Levi's expression. Hehe.



Finally, it is their big brother, "Big-Ears"! Big-Ears has a long face with two big ears on top. It is the trustworthy big bro and the other two can always count on it.



These three stooges have been with us for so long, but today is the first time I took notice of them. They are the best brothers and buddies together, always hanging out together, rain or shine. They look very cute and "alive" that they made me and Levi smile. Little things but positive impact, they can leave in our busy day.

With the fine weather and the spring breeze, Levi and I spent some time at the balcony which he sometimes likes, playing some pretend play together or watering the plants.

Now, he is pretending there are imaginary alphabets and numbers all around and tries shooting them with his little toy gun. He makes sure I'm following him in his little hunt, "Mummy, c'mon!" It is kind of amusing to see his imagination expands. 😊


This is my entry for #googlyprize by @fraenk and #makemesmile by @elizacheng! Still killing two birds with one stone!

Such a great day to be alive! All these made me smile, maybe because they are the simplest things in life which can go unnoticed. Levi's mischief always makes me smile as he very much wants to engage me in his funny interesting play. Hope they made you smile too, especially the three stooges! 😁


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