👀 Byron The Bicycle Bodyguard Googlyeyes 👀Googly Eyes Issue No. 29 👀

Meet Byron The Bicycle Bodyguard

Although Las Olas is a very exclusive and expensive area of South Florida bicycles theft is common. So Byron is here to keep watchful eyes on your ride.

Byron may be short in stature, but he is strong in structure, as tough as steel or maybe iron, well he is probably one of those. Since images of beautiful women can be distracting Byron is positioned to keep his eyes on the road and away from the bikini.

Byron the Bicycle Bodyguard can now be found right along the popular Las Olas boulevard. The boulevard is a popular dining and shopping destination for locals and thousands of tourists, it is also a main thoroughfare to Fort Lauderdale beach.

It's also the main street for my neighborhood and a place I enjoy riding my bicycle.

Along came @isteemithard's bicycle to give Byron a sense of purpose.
^above photos by me @isteemithard

Did You Know

The Las Olas boulevard was constructed in 1917, back then it was just a dirt road that crossed the swampy wetlands to the barrier island of Fort Lauderdale Beach. Then just before I was born in the early 1980's Las Olas went through a major renovation program to enhance property values and increase tourism.

This is my entry into the #googlyeyes contest @googlyeyes

^photo by @googlyeyes

No-Conditions Policy:

To Enter:

Get some #GooglyEyes -
Stick them onto something -
Take a picture -
Post it with the tag #googlyeyes -
DONE! You're qualified!

For more info check out @googlyeyes/googlyprize-this-week-s-winners-issue-no-29


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