👀 Ethan & Elizabeth Electricbox Googlyeyes 👀Googly Eyes Issue No. 28 👀

The Service Industry

The life of an electrician can be financially rewarding but it can become repetitive, lonesome, and dull. More specifically air-conditioning (AC) repair technicians, this job is normally very unamusing but then came along Ethan & Elizabeth Electricbox Googlyeyes.
For these two Googlyeyed electrical boxes it was Love at first sight. They knew they shared a special connection, who knows sparks could fly.

The next time the lonesome electrician returns to do repairs, Ethan and Elizabeth will be there for a smile, some company, and to add some cheer.

Group photos to spread the togetherness

My Life Experience As An Electrician

About 6 years ago I was a Low-Voltage Electrical Engineer aka I installed fax and telephone lines in office and commercial buildings. Although the hourly pay was good (about $20/hr) during electrical instillations the properties are always empty so there is never any real personal contact with others. Although each property was unique and interesting to get to see inside, after awhile the days and days of wires and wires began to blur into each other.

Run the wires, Pull the wires, Strip the wires, Plug in the wires, CAT5, CAT6, Fiber Optics.

After awhile I decided, although the job was steady and the pay was good I was becoming unmotivated and less enthusiastic, so it was time for a change. I decided I no longer wanted to make an income in ways that involved no human interaction.

Fast forward to today I love that I get payed to do things I enjoy and meet and interact with new people everyday. I just want to help motivate anyone reading this that you can do anything you put your mind to and never feel trapped or stuck just because things are steady.

This is my entry into the #googlyeyes contest @googlyeyes


No-Conditions Policy:

To Enter:

Get some #GooglyEyes -
Stick them onto something -
Take a picture -
Post it with the tag #googlyeyes -
DONE! You're qualified!

For more info check out


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