#Googlyeyes 4: Rock Solid Rick

This evening I met Rock Solid Rick and I'm glad I did:

It's curious -- not far from my house there's this small alley, just for bikes and pedestrians, I've known and rode through it ever since I was a kid. It's down a bit of a slope and you can really pick up some momentum and then speed right trough it. This evening, when I rode my bike, getting ready to swoosh through that alley, I suddenly heard

"WHHOOAAA There! Watch IT!"

It was Rick, warning me not to go too fast. I hit the brakes and told him I knew the little alley by heart, but he was very adamant:

"That's what they all say! And then they crash their bikes three meters further up ahead!"

"What's with all the haste anyway? Why not take it easy, kid? Enjoy the road, watch the clouds along the way?" he continued.

I was quite speechless but I understood.

"I guess you're right, Rick, I shouldn't have been rushing along like that," I complied.

"And you're doing a fine job slowing people down," I said, "next time, I won't speed it. I'll drive a bit slower and enjoy the sunset along the way. And if we meet, we can have a chat, like we have all the time in the world."

"That's good," Rick replied, "I don't see why everybody's in a hurry these days, anyway. Take some time to say hi and talk to people (and objects with googlyeyes) along the way. Glad we had a talk. See you around, kid!"

This evening I met Rock Solid Rick, and I'm glad I did!

On a more serious note - or a less serious note (that's really up to you): you can win prizes by sticking googlyeyes on things! Check out the current contest, hosted by @fraenk right here. Every sunday evening (GMT more or less) @fraenk chooses the best #googlyeyes entries on steemit and showers them with sbd, how cool is that!? And @googlyeyes is your googlyfriend too, he collects, comments on, and resteems all the #googlyeyes tags!

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