Googly Eyes- The Howling Hag

The Howling Hag

image This Old Woman is screaming her loungs out! You can hear her from miles away.

image She lost her mind several years ago, and spends most of her time down town, screaming and swearing at whoever poor soul who crosses her path.

image Not only is her mind weak, her ability to move is aswell. She allways has her walking stick with her. It's good for not only walking, but hitting and fencing after people also.

image The Howling Hag is known for her extraordinary large mouth, and bad breath. The only thing that travels further than her voice, is her stench.

image She is an unpleasant, but over the years, a contribution to diversity in the cityscape.

My contrubution to @fraenk's

Googly eyes contest

  • Week #19
  • Medium: Photography
  • Camera: Samsung Galaxy s7 (camera phone)
  • Location: Ålesund, Norway

Love ❤ @norwegiansteem

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