Googlyeyes- Don Rómulo

Saludos queridos Steemians,

Hoy fui a visitar a don Rómulo, el vive en el parque desde hace muchos años. Lo encontré con algunas ramas secas en la cabeza.

Cuando me vio, su expresión fue de alegría, porque no nos mirábamos desde el año pasado.

Greetings dear Steemians,
Today i went to visit Don Rómulo, he lived in the park for many years. I found him with some dry branches on his head.

When he saw me, his expression was one of joy, because we had not seen each other since last year.

Me pidió que le retirara esas ramas de su cabeza. Se sentía tan avergonzado de que la gente lo mirara así. A nadie le gusta que le pongan cachos.

He asked me to remove those branches from his head. He felt so embarrassed that people looked at him like that. Nobody likes to put chubs.

Yo también intenté retirar su tabaco, pero inmediatamente él reaccionó a la defensiva.
l so try to withdraw your tobacco, but immediately he reacted defensively.

Ya hace más de 70 años que don Rómulo fuma su cigarro, no hay nadie que pueda convencerlo de que abandone este mal hábito. Esto, y mirar damas bonitas son sus dos placeres mundanos.

It is already more than 70 years that Don Romulo smokes his tobacco, there is no one who can convince him to abandon this unhealthy habit. This, and looking at pretty ladies are their two worldly pleasures.

También me contó que hace un par de días estuvo muy angustiado, porque su tabaco se cayó al piso. Afortunadamente, una mujer bonita que pasaba por su lado, le puso el cigarro nuevamente en su boca. Desde ese día, él suspira por esa dama.

Atento y con una mirada fija, mira al otro lado de la calle, tal vez ella aparezca de repente.

Also he told me that a couple of days ago, he was very distressed, because his tobacco went to the floor. Fortunately a pretty lady stepped by his side, she put his cigar back in his mouth. From that day he sighs for that lady.

Attentive and with a fixed gaze, look at the other side of the street, maybe she appears suddenly.

Parece que hoy no es su día de suerte.
It seems that today is not your lucky day.

Oh, de repente, él mira a otra bella dama y su corazón se acelera.
Oh, suddenly, he look at another beautiful lady and his heart beats.

Ahh don Rómulo no tiene arreglo, cigarrillo y mujeres hasta la sepultura.

Ahh don Romulo has no arrangement, cigar and women to the grave.

Feliz día de Reyes Magos don Rómulo, le deseo que ellos traigan de regalo, a su dama de los sueños.

Happy day of the Magical Kings don Rómulo, i wish you, that they bring a gift to their lady of dreams.

Thanks @fraenk and @googlyeyes.

Here more information about the contest.

Fotos realizadas con mi teléfono Microsoft Lumia Camera.

Gracias por su visita.

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