Googlyeyes-Pumpkin lost on the beach

Hi steemios googlyeyes!

Last week my pumpkin dressed up as a halloween, to make her show here, but i was late for the party. Then the sweets on the table disappeared, the children did their work and the pumpkin was left without a suit.

As you understand, she got angry with me and left home. I've searched everywhere, without finding his whereabouts.

Only until yesterday that i heard from her. She had gone to the beach to meditate to calm his anger.


However, being there, she had the strange feeling that those children in the river would try to damage her beach suit, or perhaps drown her!


Poor pumpkin, she loves children, but children not much to her.


Concerned she sent stone signals to googlyeyes, but your anxiousness and anguish she wrote badly, very badly, the secret code, so the message did not arrive.
With no other option, she called me.


She is already back home, safe. I promised her that today i would send her photos to Googlyeyes, so now she has forgiven me. ufff what a relief !


Greetings @googlyeyes and @fraenk

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