#Googlyeyes : My Little Family

Hello Steemian, especially for Googlyeyes Community

I am a Stonery. Today I would like to tell about my little family. Actually my family is awesome and perfect. I have a beautiful wife named Ella. I also have a handsome son named Archan and beautiful daughter named Aryan. My family is not really as important thing, but they are everything for me. Aryan is a very a cheeky and awesome girl that never imagined. Every Thursday, she goes to day care and every time we picked her up. She talked all the time all the way home. Archan is really smart and good boy. Although he made me a little bit confused of his daily activities, but he is really impressed and proud to be my son.


As wisdom word said that family is a unique gift because it needs to be appreciated and treasured. But even when some peoples think that they’re will be driving you be crazy. When some of them as much as they make you be a mad, disturbing you, annoying you, controlling or even make curse at you. For most importance things that there are the people who know you the best ever because they always make you to be loved and care.


Family is seem likes as an inner peace in the beauty of life. It consisted the beautiful smile of a child, the loving and care of a mother, the awesome joy of a father. It collaborated as togetherness of a family. It’s also as the advancement of man and also as the victory of a just case.


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