👀 What is #eyebombing? 👀

So what exactly is #eyebombing?

#eyebombing is a specific form of #streetart

Unlike most other forms of street-art, like tagging, stencils and graffitti, #eyebombing is not destructive and cannot be considered vandalism!

#eyebombing also does not put the artist at the centre of attention. It's not about getting fame or recognition. #eyebombing is about transforming the inanimate environment into something relate-able for the casual viewer.

#eyebombing is simple and it can be done by anyone. All it needs is a pack of #GooglyEyes and a tiny bit of creativity!

#GooglyEyes can be found at most crafts-stores and are often available for very little money from the dollar-store.

#eyebombing has become an international phenomenon and #GooglyEyes are appearing all over the globe! Even steemit has a growing scene of #GooglyEyes aficionados now ;)

BBC News did an interview with the founders of eyebombing.com a few years ago. eyebombing.com is the biggest hub for #eyebombing on the web (at least for now, heh). Here's what Kim Nielsen and Peter Dam had to say on the subject:

Are you feeling inspired now?

Why not try your hand at #eyebombing yourself?

Get some #GooglyEyes and start putting them on things!

You can even win Steem Dollars and delegated Steem Power if you post them on steemit!

Join the Steemit #GooglyPrize

Just post your own images with the tag #googlyeyes!
we are a lot less strict around here than the guys on eyebombing.com
1. Only images of inanimate things with wiggle eyes - NOT drawn eyes or simple stickers.
2. Only images taken in the public space.
3. No eyes on eyes.
Eyes on eyes are discouraged, though. The results are usually rather boring

follow @GooglyEyes

because everything is better with #GooglyEyes

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