Name: Climate Change (Akira Style)
Date: 10/10/2016
No: 10
Next: Goblins
Previous: Ghost Nesting Dolls
I adore Akira, and plan on rewatching it soon. The most prominent memory I have of the movie is the light trails on the motorcycle ride through the city. I hadn't seen anything like it when I first watched the movie.
Akira had several jaw dropping scenes, but watching Akira grow from a human to another life form is the most visually shocking aspect of the movie. I used that concept to create a gore themed image for Drawlloween.
My practice session involved drawing a still from Akira to get a grasp on what the hell makes that arm so gross and creepy.
Then I proceeded to draw and color the outline in. I focused on coloring in that contorted ever growing skinless arm shown in the movie.