Now that's love!

Everyone always dreams of finding that perfect match, that soul mate if you will, but few actually find what they are looking for. Well not my parents! They have been together for over 41 years now! I know it seems like a big deal, but for them it's just Tuesday. lol.

There is no big secret as to why they have made it this long together. They truly love each other! It sounds so basic but I promise you it is not. I have only seen a few people as in love as they are in my lifetime. In a world full of chaos they have found a little piece of heaven right here on earth. Each other.

It's not all too often that people find their "soul mate" in this world, but I think in this case it actually happened. I see how happy they make each other and I wonder why everyone can't find that? And then I realized, they just make it look easy.

My dad always told me that "love isn't easy, it takes lots of work." He said "anyone can get along and love on the good days, its on the bad days that it is so important to show love."
He has always had good advice like that, but as a kid it mostly just went in one ear and out the other. I never realized he was slowly instilling life lessons in me and teaching me how to love properly.

I had the best mom in the world, she was literally everything you could ever want in a mother. Kind, caring, compassionate but still a very strong independent woman who could literally do anything! She taught me so many life lessons I can't begin to name them all! Let's just say I was kind of a momma's boy, and maybe I still am a little bit! lol I'm fine with that.

All I know is I was/am so blessed to have been raised in a family that had so much love. Not many people get to experience that I am truly grateful for it. I was able to see first hand how to properly treat the people you love and care about and that has made my life so much better.

These are my parents, as you can see they still hold hands when they are walking down the street. It just goes to show it is the little things in a marriage that make it work. It's opening the doors, being appreciative, and saying sweet nothings even when you don't have to, but because you want to. Because seeing the person you love happy, is also what makes you happy!

As a child I would often catch my parents kissing in the kitchen while making dinner together which was embarrassing to me at the time. Lol. I unknowingly learned so much from them by their actions, not their words, and let me tell you that is a fantastic way to learn about love. Through a life long experience of being surrounded by it constantly.

Let me take you back for one minute. It all started when my parents were only 16 years old, they were the two high school sweethearts that started dating young, got married young and never gave up on each other. It wasn't easy but they worked through all the bad times together, and only grew stronger together because of it. Now they are both in their 60s and love each other somehow even more!

Now I am, 35 years old, still seeing the same things as I did when I was a child. I see them kissing each other when they think no one is looking, holding hands and even catching them dancing around the game room like they are teenagers again! What a beautiful sight to see.

The way they look at each other shows how much they truly care about one another.

You can actually feel the love when you are near them!

Look at my moms eyes in this picture, you can see in her eyes how truly happy they really are. You can't fake that!

Filled with laughter, joy and love as they twirl around the floor like they have done so many times before. Holding each other like it was their first date all over again.

Now that's what I call love!

"Peace, love and all that hippie shit!"


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