Pretty Amazing Week Recap! Working toward 700 followers now!

What an awesome week!

4 days ago I was sitting at ~450 followers. Since then: Steem up! Followers up! $100 post! 100 voter post!


It's been a really cool week. Actually, I think it's my best week on steem so far. I was looking through my old posts. I think I have 5 posts that have made more than $100. I have roughly that for the number of posts that have been upvoted by 100 people. This week I have one at $100 and two with over 100 votes going as we speak!

This week I've really done my best to try to help the community. Especially the newbie population. I've been a teacher and a professor for a total of 8 years. I've been in higher education since 2001 with just a few years away from it. I like to teach and I like to help new people work on and discover things I enjoy. This has honestly been one of the coolest teaching weeks of my life. I've really enjoyed it!

The people make this place wonderful and make the currency have value

The coolest part has been the comments! People seem really grateful to have some help with steemit. I remember a year ago I had a ton of questions! Now I get to have a ton of answers, and it's really personally rewarding to see it helping. @missiontothemoon shared they already won over 50 followers because of the advice I've written. It's only been up for 3 days! THAT'S AMAZING!

What I'm trying to this is thank you for the upvotes, thank you for the comments, thank you for following me, and honestly a huge shoutout to @kaylinart. I learned a ton watching and studying her work. She's my unofficial mentor!

If you know a vocab word for "Intense feelings of gratitude" please share it in the comments! If you don't have a word, but would like to share something you're feeling grateful for it I'd be touched to have you share in the comments!

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