As I bid farewell to 2016

I wish to convey my gratitude to these two men.

Seldom does the passing of a year compel me to reflect or set goals.

But this year has been exceptional.

Because of these two men I have a renewed faith in humanity. I can not allow the year to pass without conveying my sincerest gratitude, and take the opportunity to announce our continued partnership in 2017.

The men pictured here with me featured in an early Steemit post in which I chronicled our story.
If you have the time it would be a great honour if you would read it , and share it too. It is our hope that the story will continue to Ripple a positive change in our society.

We met under remarkably devastating circumstances. From out of tragedy we accomplished great feats of endurance, both physically and emotionally.

We raised a great amount of awareness and funds for a seldom spoken of pandemic in our society.

Child Sexual Abuse.

1 in 5 children in Australia will be sexually assaulted before the age of 18.

I met these two amazing men after they testified against my own beloved uncle.
He is now in prison. I lost an uncle, but gained two incredible brothers.

It is our mission to encourage others to come forward, stand tall, speak out and take their power back.

I ran a charity endurance event in their name in 2016. We toured the country together promoting child protection.

I completed 7 marathons, in 7 days, in 7 states, in the Bravehearts777. An annual event hosted by Bravehearts.

It hurt. It broke me. It is taking a long time to recover from. The extended period of time was evident of a previously undiagnosed (but niggling) painful condition. Apparently I needed to completely smash my body in order to listen to it, and address my problems.

My doctors have advised me that I should not run anymore. Running! The one thing that gives me power, reframes every idea in a positive way and fuels my soul. They said I shouldn't run... but I didn't hear couldn't.

So I have signed up for one, or maybe 2 of the seven Bravehearts runs this year.

My partnership with Kevin and Mark has only just begun. I can't stop now because it hurts. Those one in five kids don't get the option to stop the pain. If it hurts me a little to run it is nothing compared to the pain they suffer every day.

I shaved the Bravehearts logo into the back of my head prior to the 2016 tour. It has left me with wonky looking reverse mullet.

Many charities for illnesses such as cancer hold shave for a cure events. They are wonderful organisations that generate support and provide funding for treatment and services. Organisations like Bravehearts seldom receive this kind of high profile support. Child sexual assault isn't something that people want to hear too much about. It's vicariously traumatising even to speak of it.

But this silence only protects the perpetrators and continues to leave many children and adult survivors isolated and alone.

So I will shave my head for all those children who have lived even one day wishing they were dead, or wishing they had an illness that attracted support rather than stigma and shame.
When my Bravehearts fundraising page reaches my goal of $2000 Australian dollars, I will buzz off my wonky hairdo and post the video to Steemit.

I will run the Marathon with a heart full of gratitude for the the two men who through their own adversity, have renewed my faith in humanity, and made me a better stronger and more passionate, confident and driven person.

You are not defined by your past.

Your current suffering is not forever.

Your future is not already written.

You are not limited by the confines of other peoples minds.

You are not alone.

If you haven't already read our story, here it is.

Our story has only just begun. Please continue to follow our team as we support this years Bravest of Hearts - Bel and Sam.

This is my Bravehearts page.

My clippers are waiting, and my trigger finger is itching to throw the switch and buzz this hair off.
My locks will be donated to Dreadlocks Of Love.

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