Greek Steemian Of The Week #13 & Mini Steemeet In Thessaloniki


(Image credits: @dimitrisp) 

In an attempt to shed more light on greek quality authors in Steemit, we have launched the collaborative series "Greek Steemian Of The Week". Every week one author will be featured in a post. We need each other's support to grow together bigger and stronger!

No more blah blah then, let's see who is this week's author of value... 


A boy we met in Steemeet #2 in Athens and who has recently been bact to the platform (he had to give priority to his studies). @filotasriza3 likes writing reviews on series he has watched, he makes meme posts and writes about various other topics. 

Our favorite post for this week is: 

NASA Discovers Similar To Ours Solar System

A post on a significant discovery by NASA. A couple of exoplanets orbiting the Kepler-90 star. Read it if you want to know why it's as important as we say. 

Mini Steemeet in Thessaloniki

Yesterday some Greek Steemians of the North gathered to meet for the first time (except for @nikoleondas who comes from the South :P). @amadeus, @artgalleryraka, @dimitrisp, @nikoleondas, @onart, @trumpman and @ruth-girl had a wonderful time discussing steemit and exchanging advice and ideas. 

Since some of us don't feel comfortable showing their face on the internet, I chose to cheer everyone's face up with an emoticon. Can you guess who is who? :P

Our sweet @artgalleryraka made us some lovely christmas cards (here are my trolls holding mine). Thank you so much! You are a wonderfully sweet person!


We really had a great time and hope to organise more meet-ups soon again. It feels really nice to make new friends through a cyber-project and get to know so many different people. 

Help our fellows in the Greek community!

Our artist @artgalleryraka and her husband @amadeus have been through an unpleasant situation and they risk losing their house over the bank. I'm sure most of us are already aware of that. I would appreciate it, if you could continue showing your support to her work (although I'm sure she and her family would appreciate it more). We are not asking for charity, just for your vote in those people's struggle to save their house and the life they have been working so hard to build. 

Also, our boy, @dimitrisp, could use your support as a witness. Please, spare a minute and drop him a vote! All you need to do is just click on the link bellow and type his name. Thank you!  

Vote for Witnesses

(Image credits: @dimitrisp)  

That's all folks! Hope to see you again soon!! :D   

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