Growing Onions - Second Take

Green Onions

Green onion.JPG

My friend used to work for a company which made organic Sauerkraut, Kimchi, and a few other things. For a while, she would bring me all the cabbage scraps to feed to my chicken. And sometimes, a box or two of produce would go a little limp and she would bring that too.

I belong to a Buy Nothing group, and when I got a couple of boxes of green onions (36 bunches of onions in each) I gave many away and ate many more.

Having onions on my mind, it was the perfect time to start an experiment I had been wanting to do for a long time. Regrow onions after cutting them.

Growing Green Onions - Take Two

For my experiment, I only ate the green part of some of the bunches. Of course, I left the roots on and about 2 inches of the white stem.

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Then I placed the bunch into a cup filled with plain water.

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I packed as many bunches as I could into the cup.

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As you can see, five bunches made it in and the tops are evenly cut off.

I tried to remember to change the water every day - at least, every other day.

A couple of days later, this started to happen.


We are seeing some growth!! A few days later, we are definitely seeing green shooting up.


Every day, there is more growth!



I found this to be a good time to cut the greens or to eat the whole onion at this point.


I tried to repeat the process over again but that didn't work out too well. Partly, it probably was my fault by not changing the water enough, but I am also suspecting that I needed to add some nutrients to the water.

I planted a few of the third try onions into the soil and a couple of them made it. I am thinking that it might have been more successful to plant them after the second harvest.

I probably won't repeat this experiment since I actually like to eat the white part of the onion and I do have enough land to grow as many onions as I need. I let some mature onions go to seed and then harvest the babies as I need them. However, if I wouldn't have a yard and a year-round growing season, this is a great way to get a second harvest and save some hard earned cash.

It was worth the try!!

I wrote this post for the Greenest thumb challenge. Hurry! One more day left! You can enter it as well!!!

Here is a link to the post by @cryptofarmer explaining the contest.


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