Welcome to the Wednesday edition of The Steemit Greeters Guild Curation Spotlight. The purpose of the spotlight is to focus on fellow Steemians that need some much needed exposure with a reputation of 40 or less. This is to help them achieve their goals and show the Steemit world what they are missing.
ARTICLE #2 -@jrdeomampo recently posted The Story of a Beggar, besides his dislike of the jeepny it is a very thoughtful article on gratitude.
ARTICLE #3 - This is a wonderfully written piece by @kingspiration that stresses the value of perseverance, which something that a lot of is needed when it comes to Steemit. The Axe Man Versus The Tree
ARTICLE #4 - @zhyreal is definitely an up and coming Steemian. This is the link to her introduction post, very talented in many aspects. Check her out and give her a warm welcome.
ARTICLE #5 - Personally for the Curation Spotlight, I look for people that have been on Steemit for more than a month. I read through @jrrays post and he's very open and provokes thought. Always a winner in my book, check him out! F-R-E-E-D-O-M
Please help us show support to these amazing users!