14th April 2017 - Gridcoin 30% spike in 24hr

Gridcoin spiked from 1021sats to 1432 sats in <24hrs!

24hr analysis:

  • There was a stable price between 900 and 1000 sats for over 7 days.
  • The price in the above graph spiked from 1021 sats to 1432 sats within a few hours.
  • Potentially caused by listeners of the BeyondBitcoin hangout getting an insight in Gridcoin's near future?

New all time high!



Difference: $1,669,411 !

Arbitrage opportunities:

  • Poloniex is currently leading the charge with the most trading volume, there are arbitrage opportunities between exchanges.
  • We need market makers on the Bitshares network; price feeds have been requested for the btsbots.com trading website/app.

Past analysis:

Interesting notes:

  • The trading volume required to surge over 100% in September 2016 was approx $600k, it took $60k trading volume to surge the market cap approx 50% in March 2017, and it took approx $110k trading volume to spike the value 30% in April 2017 (today).


  • We face scaling the Gridcoin network from rewarding 2k users to between 250k and 4million users (active/total size of the entire BOINC Commuity) when we successfully remove the mandatory team Gridcoin requirement (200k GRC bounty!).
    • As a proof of stake cryptocurrency, users are required to buy GRC if they wish to solo-stake; If 50k users (small chunk of BOINC community) were to buy 1000 GRC each (enough to stake once per month..ish) there currently isn't enough GRC on markets to supply such a demand.
  • If a magnitude multiplier based on quantity of coins burnt is implemented in the future, the coins in supply will decrease. Reddit discussion CCT Discussion
  • We're continuing to regularly hold Gridcoin hangouts in a similar style to BeyondBitcoin (which we regularly attend).
  • Listen to our latest appearance on BeyondBitcoin to get the latest news regarding Gridcoin. Alternatively, you can read about it.

If anyone has any questions about Gridcoin, ask away.

Interested in creating your own BOINC project? Post it to the BOINC project brainstorming thread!

Relevant Gridcoin links:
Official website
Coinmarketcap, CoinGecko, CoinCap
Gridcoinstats.eu, Gridresearchcorp, Gridcoin.Asia
Soundcloud, YouTube & MixCloud


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