Sustained /r/BOINC (reddit) censorship of Gridcoin and Steem!


Censored Steemit posts

@cm-steem/sneak-preview-of-project-rain-screenshots (Note - censored despite being a BOINC team challenge, non-monetized).

Posts between myself & mod

@cm-steem wrote:

My posts disappear when I log out and don't show for others, is there a minimum karma count required for /r/BOINC or are my posts being censored?

This post is pretty important - trying to encourage users to brainstorm possible BOINC projects, possibly leading to the projects being developed.

+/u/Pi31415926's response:

Hi, sorry, but I removed your post as I think it's spam. Almost all your posts lead to steemit, and almost all of them involve Gridcoin. So, I think you have a large Gridcoin holding and are trying to use this subreddit for your personal profit.

The fact that you dress up your personal profit-taking with an attempt to help BOINC along is irrelevant. If you wanted to help BOINC, you'd post your discussion here in the subreddit. But you don't, you just post a link to a place where you make money. We are not here to make you money. Do you understand?

@cm-steem's response:

/r/Gridcoin is in the sidebar of /r/BOINC !!! How can it be in the sidebar as a related subreddit yet repeatedly censored in /r/BOINC? It was placed there by moderators in the past - there's clearly miscommunication going on here.

The steemit posts that you have censored are clearly BOINC related; Gridcoin is BOINC related content because it rewards BOINC computation and it's currently the #1 team in the world leader boards for most BOINC projects. Just look at formulaboinc - #1!

The brainstorming thread you censored had a couple gridcoin images, a paragraph explanation and some links compared to 95% of the rest of the page which was original BOINC content.

Regarding monetization of content - yeah I make a couple cents to which I then use to promote other BOINC related content on the steemit website. The brainstorming thread netted me a whole $0.75 in liquid SBD (wow!) - are you going to begin censoring any link in which the website displays adverts? (youtube, blogs, etc) Because they're earning money for the content they produce too. There's no visible rules in the sidebar regarding allowed content sources nor permitted content.

The reason I post threads to Steemit instead of Reddit is because individuals like yourself repeatedly censor discussions rather than participate in them - have you even read any of the ideas in the brainstorming thread? As long as you continue censoring Gridcoin/BOINC related content I will continue posting my content to Steemit & will be recommending others to do the same. Perhaps users could have discussed ideas for projects in the Reddit comments before you deleted the post?

Steemit also reaches users outside of the BOINC community, with /r/BOINC there's only like 1100 subscribers and a couple online at a time. The steemit post received 70 upvotes compared to a couple on reddit (before it was censored), it clearly gets BOINC more exposure.

You base your assumption that I have a large Gridcoin holding on zero evidence, even if I held Gridcoin how does that matter? Do you censor WCG because IBM has shareholders who view WCG as a method of improving their public relations? Do you equally censor BOINC projects that don't hold scientific purposes or commercial projects?

You're clearly prejudiced against BOINC computation in which users are rewarded for their hard work (allowing them to offset electricity costs) by repeatedly censoring Gridcoin posts. /r/BOINC should be a team-neutral website to which any team can post their BOINC related content to.

Who put you in charge of this subreddit in the first place? Do you contribute to BOINC development or hold a position on the BOINC project governance?

I'll be contacting the BOINC project governance to discuss your repeated censorship and abuse of moderator powers on reddit.

In the mean time, I've posted to /r/Gridcoin that /r/BOINC is continuing to censor Gridcoin content:

EDIT: Continued:

+/u/Pi31415926 response:

Thanks, I'm sure your witchhunting will encourage new BOINC projects.

If you would like to see more activity in /r/BOINC, post your discussion threads here, instead of somewhere else. Thanks for the mention in /r/gridcoin though, so far we have -1 new subscribers. And that -1 was you, wasn't it.

The answer is yes, I will remove posts if the submitter earns money from them, and I've been doing that for 5 years. Especially including YouTube links and blogspam. I think that's one of the reasons my subreddits have grown quite a lot over that time. I'm not going to change that policy.

You can call it censorship if you like. I call it spam. It doesn't matter what reasons you give. Spam is spam, that's all there is to it.

/r/BOINC is team-neutral, this isn't some team thing. It's just that you're spamming. Please do check reddit's policy on spam, which can currently be found here.

My response:

This is not witch-hunting; I'm being transparent with the /r/gridcoin and /r/boinc community regarding your censor-heavy tactics. If I was trying to find out your real life information or egging my community to do so, that would be witch-hunting.

Discussions in /r/BOINC get censored by yourself, so I'll continue holding BOINC discussions outside of /r/BOINC.

Thanks for the mention in /r/gridcoin though, so far we have -1 new subscribers. And that -1 was you, wasn't it.

I didn't unsubscribe, again you're quite clearly being delusional in your evidence-lacking assumptions.

I think that's one of the reasons my subreddits have grown quite a lot over that time. I'm not going to change that policy.

So you perceive that as a moderator you own the subreddit? Your authoritarian actions quite clearly indicate this.

The answer is yes, I will remove posts if the submitter earns money from them, and I've been doing that for 5 years. Especially including YouTube links and blogspam.

Yet, on the front-page of /r/BOINC there are like 5 youtube videos:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. You clearly have a double standard.

/r/BOINC is team-neutral, this isn't some team thing. It's just that you're spamming. Please do check reddit's policy on spam, which can currently be found here.

That's the thing - you're quite clearly not team-neutral when you instantly censor anything Gridcoin related. I recently posted an SRBase boincstats team challenge post and it was censored. Boincstats does have adverts to survive which may break your secret rules, but then why hasn't boincstats been censored in the past?

Genuinely though, how did you gain these moderator privileges? Do you hold any authority within the BOINC developer community? Did the BOINC project governance authorize your position?

Have you experienced censorship on reddit?

Please post your experiences with power hungry moderators!

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