meet the people behind DrugDiscovery@Home

On Saturday, February 4th at 6 PM GMT (21:00 Moscow time (GMT+3))
we're doing a conference call with the persons who run the BOINC project

You are invited to join:

Erkan: Is it ok, when other interested people also join? (they can be quiet until end, and then we could do a Q&A part at end?)
Andrew: That s perfectly fine if they join, even if they are not quiet :-)

Please add your questions below and upvote for the prio...

Read here how you can join over the software mumble:

See you there!


  • It's better to come earlier to the hangout place, so you can adjust your mic, ...
  • If you experience any kind of problems: check out our help channel on IRC
  • The minutes and audio file of this hangout session and our usual one (3h later), will be available here.
  • Find interviews with other BOINC admins here: interview guide with BOINC admins


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