The Millionth Gridcoin Block is inbound and to celebrate an idea was fielded to produce a commemorative coin. Since @Dutch has been busy lately he asked if I could finish the 3D model of the coin as the design stood last week. Before going ahead and producing a mock up on the 3D printer to demonstrate build quality we though we would get some feedback. The designs were created by @Joshoeah.

Front view as gold render.

Animation of coin. (Apologies for the size I had to compress it to for you guys to view it.)

Rear view as gold render.

Coin as silver render.
Things to note:
- What you see here are model build images without smoothed edges. The black line are used by the software to demarkate sudden changes in surface gradient. The smooth edge depiction of the model doesn't do the coin justice but the final copy will most likely have smoothed edges when run off the printer.
- I saw the design for the back is being looked at on Slack in the branding channel and may be made similar to the front with a perimeter of words. There are some small issues with this when it comes to 3D printing very small detail but nothing you guys need to worry about.
- Currently the coin is roughly 2 inches in diameter and can be easily scaled when sent to print.
Feedback I would like:
- Which material look would you prefer?
- What size would you like it as?
- General comments on the model
- What are the current coin faces that you want to use? I can modify this model relatively easily.