GridcoinStats Faucet; Backed with rewards from a stable community

A little over a week ago, on my previous post, I was asked about the possibility of a Gridcoin faucet. The idea has been on my mind ever since I started making the page. Until now I hadn't have had a reason to make one. I started looking at a good system that's fair for all and I ended up with something that was released on Jan 1st. A great way to start a new year if I'd say so :)

Base Rewards

The page has two funds, one that GridcoinStats will keep filled up, or anyone else for that matter, with a reward schedule that I have set to 0.1-1 GRC per claim. This is something that can be changed at any time to be more or less depending on availability and funds.

This will help new users gain some funds to start up as they wait for the actual Research rewards to start. As one of the requirements to get started with Gridcoin is to have a few coins to stake with, this will help new members get started.

Sponsored Rewards; Researchers bounty!

This is where this faucet becomes something much more than a normal faucet. Backed by funds from the community the faucet offers an extra service; a Researchers Bounty.. The idea is that anyone that has an active CPID on the network can get some extra coins on each claim. We propose this to be a reward from 1-3 GRC, and on top of that offering a single extra reward of 20 GRC on the first claim. This will be a great way for the Gridcoin community to show gratitude to new users and help them up and running.

The coding for this function is already in effect and is all waiting for some funds to kick it starting. There will most likely be a vote on creating a funding expense to back up the sponsored fund for the faucet.

Leave a comment and tell us what you think.

GridcoinStats Faucet
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