[Crowdsourced Marketing] Plan to Grow User Base - Phase 1 [Growth Idea]

As you can surely tell from my last two posts, I am finally on board with the direction of Steemit Inc. Honestly, now that the rewards curve is being addressed, I think equality in the voting power is going to be huge for Steemit! Until now, I didn't even want to consider moving forward with marketing.

Once we finally have that glaring problem fixed, hopefully with the next hard fork, I am ready to move forward with marketing.

I think there are many steps that need to be taken for marketing. This is just an idea for one crowdsourced movement.

Steemit Idea Proposal Structure Q:

  1. What is the problem?
  2. What is the solution?
  3. How will you prove your project was a success?

My Idea for Growth A:

  1. Not enough new users or big names on Steemit
  2. Get new users especially by getting a big name onboard that can bring their own followers
  3. We have the big name and 1 million new Steemit users.

SWARM to recruit a celebrity with a big following that will match synergistically with the steemit ecosystem. It will be a good thing for everyone

Youtube and Twitter have already upset a lot of their big content providers recently. Once one of them gets a taste of Steemit love, it will explode!


Joe Rogan on Steemit.jpg

My suggestion - Joe Rogan


  • 3 million twitter followers
  • 1.3 million youtube followers
  • excellent content creator
  • You can see he doesn't trust the gubment as much as the average Steemit user:

This country has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem and a tyranny problem disguised as a security problem.

-his current pinned tweet


This would be a swarm tactic. Everyone involved would need to act by:

  • commenting on Joe Rogans twitter, youtube, facebook, etc.
  • Write posts about Joe Rogan and/or MMA/Ultimate fighting and/or comedy and/or psychedelics.
  • Formal Invitation

This idea motivated by @steemitblog latest post. Let's do this. Please comment with other possible content creators or resteem!

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