I am Grumpy Cunt !!!

Hello all,

I am the most famous Gumpy Cunt!


I am over here to oppose my cunt sibling, @grumpycat. For those who all not know who he/she is, well in simple words he/she is a CUNT ! and that's why I am Grumpy Cunt!.

Now my open letter to @grumpycat.

Hi, my Cunt!,

I don't know if you are a guy or a girl, so I will talk in both ways. You are the guy who thinks that owning a lot of money stake can let you do what you want than you are wrong my Cunt!. Downvoting the innocent minnows is a most ashaming thing that you do and on top of that self-upvoting like a jerk. I will take this as an example, of a guy who wants to fuck a whore but can't cause "HE HAVE NO DICK".

If you are a girl then its the funniest thing that you do, you like a little bitch crying behind that PC screen and can't see little minnows making money, and say like "Ah! I don't like your bid-bot thing." what a shitty thing you do, CUNT!.


So as good wishes to you, I say have a bad and awful day and hope you get spanked by your dad, LOL!

Hate and curse,

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