A Father's Love - A Tale of Gratitude

||Taken Dec 25, 2016 with Father and my brother||

When I think of gratitude, the first thing that comes to my mind is family. I am grateful that I belong to one. And I am grateful to have parents such as mine. Let me tell you about the family where I grew up.

||With father and siblings, Nov 2016||

I am the middle child of a family of five children. Three boys and two girls. My mother used to be a full time mom during those years when we are not yet in school. While at home, she was also earning because she used to accept cake orders. She was a good cook. When all of us were in school, she applied for a job in a small company and got hired as a bookkeeper. On the other hand, my father worked for the government as a police officer. Both worked hard for the family. My parents made sure that our basic needs were met. We lived in a humble home. We didn't have so much of the material things of this world but we have each other. Life was hard then but amidst the struggles and challenges we were able to get by.


First day of the year 2003, our dear mother had a cardiac arrest and right there and then she left us. It was the saddest moment of our lives. Loosing a mother and to our father a dear wife. Words can't describe our sadness. She died before all of her children got married. She died at the age of 48. It's been 15 years now that she's not with us. And so many things had happened within those years. Happy and sad as well.


I could not imagine how my father managed to moved forward after loosing my mother. They were married for 25 years when she died. He struggled he would tell us some times. He is not perfect. Our family is not perfect but we strive to keep our family in harmony.
Now let me tell you the things why I am grateful for him.

First of all I thank him and my mother for the gift of life. And I am grateful they are my parents.

I thank him for being a great father though he has his imperfections, it doesn't negate the positive things he had done for our family.

He provided and protected our family (when we were under his care). Even up to now if the need arises.

As far as I can remember, he is always there when I need some thing for school or even when I was applying for a job or for whatever situation that needs his attention.

He reprimands and gives counsel.

Now that I have my own family, even though we live away from him, he is ever present to assist and help us specially during those years I am due to gave birth. He was present when I gave birth to each of our three daughters. He would travel many miles to visit us. We live away from him and away from my in laws. We have no relatives nearby.

He had never stop being a father to us even though we are now married and living our own lives.

If mother is still alive now, I am sure she will also do the same thing. Be a mother to us even if we are all grown ups and married.

Father did not marry again after my mother died but he has a current girlfriend. 😆 He had retired from Police service 11 years ago. He turned 67 years old last April 6. We visited him and celebrated with him on thay day.

||April 6, 2018 at Dumaguete City||

I know I can never repay my parents for what they have done to me and to our entire family. I am eternally grateful for them.

PS : word count = 668


Met Yuson @me2selah
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