Shame On You Deerfield, Illinois! Gun Control Gone Too Far!


I live in a free state but even if I did live in this town, this ordinance wouldn't apply to me but it still pisses me the hell off to see the government force law abiding citizens to turn in their lawfully obtained weapons that they bought with their hard earned money or get slapped with a thousand dollar per day fine! This is ridiculous guys! Making citizens turn in their guns instead of looking for bad guys with illegal guns!!!! WTF? I wonder if they saw the story where a good samaritan stopped a man that was stabbing another man by threatening to shoot him with an AR15? Guess it was a good thing he still had his, huh? Oh and by the way, this happened in the state of Illinois.

If you haven't read the news article pertaining to the weapons and magazine ban in this town, you can read it here.

I'm a very opened minded guy and I think there needs to be a give and take on both sides of the spectrum. But when the government decides to just take what they want or else, then I've got a major problem with that! Stand up for what you believe in!



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