One Of Georgia's Safest Cities 'Requires' Its Citizens To Own A Gun; CNN Unsure Why Crime Is So Low

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Could the answer to crime be in arming everyone?

This is what a Georgia town did 30 years ago and it has one of the lowest crime rates in the country. This really have the mainstream organizations that cover the gun control debate perplexed. CNN took a look at the issue and were impressed at the low crime rate. They felt the results could not definitively be attributed to the forced gun ownership.

Authored by Scott Morefield via The Daily Caller,

When it comes to America’s response to gun crime, one Georgia town has been thinking outside the box since 1982, when its leaders passed a law requiring it citizens to own a firearm.

The Kennesaw, Georgia, law states that “every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain a firearm,” according to CNN, and was reportedly passed as a deterrent to crime

“It was meant to be kind of a crime deterrent,” Kennesaw Police Lt. Craig Graydon, a 30-year law enforcement veteran, told CNN. “It was also more or less a political statement because the city of Morton Grove, Illinois, passed a city ordinance banning handguns from their city limits.”

As for would-be criminals looking for an easy mark, judging by the crime statistics it seems most have bypassed the Georgia town and moved on to easier targets. Even CNN was forced to admit that Kennesaw, populated by 33,000 people, has only had “one murder in the last six years and a violent crime rate of below 2%.”

“But,” writes CNN, “it’s unclear whether that has anything to do with the gun law.”

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