[HARI RAID] Bug Fix & Update Report 2024.12.09

[HARI RAID] Bug Fix & Update Report 2024.12.09
24.12.09 Mon | Written by @h4lab



안녕하세요. H4LAB 입니다.

지난 일주일 간 제보 받거나 발견한 버그 픽스 및 추가 업데이트 내역 공유 드립니다.

[ Bug Fix & Update Report ]



(      .)

(      )


제보되었지만 아직 수정되지 않은 부분도 있습니다.

최대한 빠른 시일에 개선하여 게임 플레이에 불편함이 없도록 하겠습니다.

많은 제보 계속 부탁드리고, 이벤트도 진행중이니 재미있게 즐겨주시기 바랍니다.

추가로 "프렌지 모드"에 대해 한번 더 안내 드립니다.

[   ]

.   0   4  ()       .

.         .

.      1 .

.    ,   30 . ( 4)

1) A    0 ,   , 
  4     -> A  

2) A    0 ,   , 
  2   B ,   2 30 
     -> B   

3) A    0 ,   , 
  2   B ,   2 30 
 1   C ,   1 30 
     -> C   

이상 "프렌지 모드"에 대해 한번 더 설명 드렸습니다.



Hello, this is H4LAB.

We’d like to share the bug fixes and additional updates that were either reported or discovered over the past week.

1. Fixed an issue where stat points were not awarded after leveling up.
2. Fixed a display issue where the inventory screen was cut off on mobile devices.
3. Fixed an infinite loading issue when pressing the home button while the inventory screen was open.  
    (You can now close the inventory by tapping outside the inventory area.)
4. Fixed a problem with the credit checker at the bottom of the story page not working properly.  
    (This page was used before the official launch and will be removed in the future.)
5. Updated the immediate-use visual effect for EXP-Ticket purchases.

Some reported issues are still under review.

We are working to resolve them as quickly as possible to ensure a smooth gaming experience.

Please keep sending in your reports and enjoy the ongoing events!

In addition, I'd like to inform you about "Frenzy-Mode" one more time.

[ Frenzy Mode ]

A. When the monster's health falls below 0, Frenzy Mode starts and lasts for 4 hours.

B. The user who attacks the monster last gets the Frenzy Mode reward.

C. 1 STEEM is required for the last attack in frenzy mode.

D. When attacking in frenzy mode, The time of frenzy mode is extended by 30 seconds.

Example 1) When the monster's hp becomes 0 due to an attack by player A, Frenzy mode is activated. 
If no one attacks for 4 hours in Frenzy Mode -> Player A rewarded

Example 2) When the monster's hp becomes 0 due to an attack by player A, Frenzy mode is activated. 
When Player B attacks with 2 minutes remaining in Frenzy Mode, Frenzy Mode is extended to 2 minutes 30 seconds. 
If no one attacks after that -> Player B reward 

Example 3) When the monster's hp becomes 0 due to an attack by player A, Frenzy mode is activated. 
When Player B attacks with 2 minutes remaining in Frenzy Mode, Frenzy Mode is extended to 2 minutes 30 seconds. 
Afterwards, when player C attacks with 1 minute remaining, Frenzy mode is extended to 1 minute 30 seconds.
If no one attacks after that -> Player C reward

I've explained "Frenzy-Mode" once again.

Thank you!

[H4LAB News]


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