A Superpower In 30 Days - Day 1 M.O.M

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"Imagine what would life look like if you had a super brain able to remember everything and learn whatever you want quickly and easily ."

"That is one bold statement," I thought to myself watching a little Asian guy named Jim Kwik talking from the screen of my phone.
"You can learn how to remember everything you want and learn quickly and effectively in just 30 days".
This sounded promising and fast forward two weeks, today on April 9th, 2018 I'm starting Jims 30 day course on Mindvalley Academy.

In this series of posts, I want to share with my daily progress including tips and tricks that jim offers to improve memory and learning ability.

A few words about the creator, Jim Kwik is a leading expert in everything that has to do with memory.
He suffered a brain trauma as a kid and was labeled a retard by his teachers.Jim needed to learn how to adapt and heal his brain functions from the trauma he suffered.For years Jim used different strategies and methods to train his brain to work in super mode. He didn't just recover from the trauma, you can say he gained superpowers.
Today Jim is the learning and memory coach of leading Hollywood stars and fortune 500 CEOs.

The First Lesson - M.O.M

"I will finally be able to learn and remember all the important classes and courses I'm taking," I said to myself with excitement as I pushed play on the first video.

In the first video of the 30-day course, Jim talks about M.O.M.

M.O.M is an acronym for 3 words - Motivation.Observation.Mechanisation
This acronym is the basic tool to remember important things that we struggle to remember like people's names.


If I told you that you will get a million dollars if you remembered the name of the next person you meet, you will probably remember his name forever even if you have a problem recalling names.

We need to have the motivation to remember something, otherwise, it will be forgotten quickly. Think about what is the reason you want to remember this person's name.


To be able to remember not only the name but even the content of the conversation with a person you have to observe and be present in the conversation.
This means you need to listen, usually, when someone speaks we are talking inside our head waiting for our turn to speak not listening to the other person at all.
Once you really start listening it will be much easier to remember.


This is the main topic of this course according to Jim. Mechanisation refers to all those techniques we need to engrain into ourselves and practice daily to really develop our abilities.
In the name example, this means that we need to practice daily in motivation and observation to get the techniques to become automatic.

Day 1 conclusion

This course has got me really excited and the first day has got me into a great start. The video was short, just under 14 minutes, and very simple to understand. The M.O.M method is intuitive and easy to implement.
I can already feel my brain getting stronger.

I will share my progress daily so be sure to check out my blog tomorrow for the summary of day 2.

I literally can't wait.

If you want to check out Jim Kwik's Superbrain course and a Free masterclass go to this
Un-affilited link

Thank you for your time.

With love.


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