As Above, So Below

As Above, So Below.png

                                                        dead trees
                                                        bury boughs
                                                        deep    in
                                                        the moon.

Since I was a kid, I've always been fascinated by the 'hibernation' I would see trees take in the cold of winter, the shedding of their summer coats to embrace the cold.

One tree who lived just outside my bedroom window would always show the moon peering in through their now bare branches, whereas I'd never see the moon the rest of the year when the tree was bundled up with leaves.

I think she enjoys being held, but when it comes time for the moon to continue on her trek across the evening sphere, it would always seem this tree would cling to her and bid her stay.

I think trees are lonely in the winter.
Give your favorite tree a hug for me.

haiqua written for @dbooster's Haiku Contest, Theme: Out the Window

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