Smokin’ water + 1st Mizu No Oto contest

{This part is split into two: the 50-word tasker first and the 1st ever Haiku contest (Mizu No Oto ran by @bananafish and @marcoriccardi) I officially participate in second. Let’s get into the contest posts now!}

Oh o'er there, right there,
smokin' like crazy o'er there,
there goes the water again!

Oh smokin' water o'er there,
you allure all existin' scientists
of your strange powers there!

Oh smokin' water o'er there,
I got a watery question!
Why you smokin' and flowin'?

What contradictions mobilizin' you?

This part of the post is made for the 50 word count contest. Click here to see it.

[photo taken by @f3nix]

A lone buoy floats
Its sorrows in heartless Seas
Knowing it can’t die...

This part of the post is made for the haiku, Mizu No Oto, contest. Click here to see it. {Friday’s, from now on, shall be both Haiku and 50-word taskers - the presentation order switching up from time to time.}

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