HAIRSHARE Token Changes and Membership Updates

~Your hair is the gift that keeps on growing~

The @hairshares project is happy to announce that the HAIRSHARE token has finally been integrated with the framework. That means that the vote will now be processed nearly immediately and will not need to wait for @nepd to process it.

With the integration, there were some changes necessary. Votes will now be worth 1% per token.

To offset and buffer that change, @hairshares memberships will still be accepted for 300 tokens in January. Current members are unaffected.

Starting in February, the membership (free votes for a month) price will change to an as yet unknown number. It will certainly be higher than 300 tokens - more likely closer to 2000.

Also, look for a limited HAIRSHARE <--> WHALESHARE redemption coming soon.

Thank you for your support of the @hairshares project and please remember the purpose of the project. Let's find some people to donate their hair and reward the heck out of them!


In addition to earning tokens by donating your hair or helping the community, we've opened up a total of five markets for trading HAIRSHARE tokens on the @bitshares / @openledger DEX.


If you would like to support the project and purchase HAIRSHARE tokens with another CryptoAsset, that can be arranged.

You can sign up for Bitshares using this referral link.

How To Donate

Read the Hair Donation Tutorial to find out the requirements to send in your hair.

If you would like to donate/delegate SP, Whaleshares, BeyondBits, your own tokens or anything to help the cause and reward hair donors, feel free to reach out to me. You can make a one-time donation to this account which helps upvote those that help the Hairshares community, or add to the Jackpot prize pool.

Interested in donating? Find me on the Hairshares Discord Channel on the Whaleshares Server or leave a comment below.

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