Hairshares Logo/Sticker Contest: Win HAIRSHARE Tokens

(Image via @crimsonclad)

Every part of you is valuable... down to the last strand of hair on your head.

The Hairshares project is all about encouraging and rewarding those people that donate their hair or make it easier to do so. If you haven't read the introductory post or the hair donation tutorial, start there.

The great @patelincho was the first steemit user to document someone - her father in this case - donating their hair. What a great start to the initiative!

Every Great Cause Needs A Sweet Logo

This is the logo that I want to see in the barber shop window when I go get my hair cut. This is the logo I want to see when I take my daughter to the salon to donate her hair.

I want to get salons and barber shops that will give out something special (a discount, a free sample, etc...) to hair donators to display a sticker in their window with the Hairshares logo on it.

Entry Guidelines

Entries must be 1000 px x 1000 px square
Entries must be in .png format with a clear background
Entries must include the word "Hairshares" and feature "Hair" somehow
Entries should include the words "Donation Location" below the logo
Entries are encouraged to incorporate Steemit / Bitshares logos.

To enter, either make a comment here with your entry or make a post using the "Hairshares Tag" and make a comment with a link to it.


First Prize: 500 HAIRSHARE Tokens
Second Prize: 200 HAIRSHARE Tokens
Honorable Mentions: 50 HAIRSHARE Tokens each

In the (hopefully) near future, these tokens could be traded in exchange for votes from the @nepd account, which is in process of acquiring delegated power and curation trails to help benefit those posting under the #hairshares tag. If you are interested in delegating SP or trailing my Hairshares votes, don't hesitate to contact me. Every little bit counts!

Other possible options for using tokens could be promoting participating salons/shops, discounts at participating salons/shops, or cool stuff that I haven't even thought of yet.

The HAIRSHARE token will be available for trade on the @bitshares platform.

If you have any questions, drop me a comment or join the Hairshares Channel on the Whaleshares Discord Server.

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