Hallosteem Photography Contest Entry: Zombie Peter Parker - Spiderman. 化妝大賽 - 社區萬聖節

The Hallosteem Contest 2017 (Steemit社區萬聖節Hallosteem 攝影大賽)

Link - The Hallosteem Contest 2017 By @nicolemoker and @aaronli

Hello Steemians, and to all who have participated or not, this is my entry of Hallosteem Photography Contest:


Photo miniature Steemit

I would like to participate in makeup and photography in this Hallosteem, although I made their corresponding entry for each contest, enjoy it.
Here you can see the makeup process: Link - Hallosteem Makeup Contest

The story of my photo: Everyone at some point in our lives we have to be the worst version of us, although deep down we are still good people, sometimes only this Zombie side of us comes out. I'm a Spiderman fan, I'm inspired by a version of Peter Parker, where his good side becomes Zombie, but he still remembered his suit to remind himself that everything would happen.


Original photo


My ID - Steemit

Extra photos











I'm David D. Leplaid (祝大家好运) and you can see my other post and follow me here!

✋ Bye! ✋

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