Hallosteem Photography Contest Entry 1.0 ~ Ode To The 1st Of November ~ REDUX ~ One Minute Poem


Grandest orb,
of candle light.
Cast now aside,
past your big night.
Served your time,
served it well.
Rest Ye now,
in squirrel-snack hell.

Panasonic ZS-40

400 sec @f5.6
ISO 3200

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the end (?) of the Halloween season, and this small homage to a grand piece of the whole shebang. I caught this little fellow helping himself out front when he thought no one with a camera was looking.

If you have any thoughts about rodents noshing on your fine, holiday handy-work, wondrous orange globes of decor, natural rot, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

Poste Script - This minute' writing appeared in very similar form...in a previous post a year or so ago...celebrating the end of a holiday of a highly-like nature.
Posted: 11/01/2017

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