🎃 Hallosteem Photography Contest 2017 #1 -Can't wait Halloween untillll my Creamy Egg Mustard came outtttt

Hey my fellow Steemians,

It's one more day to go for Halloween(Hallosteem?!), and it should be not quite or really umum,, scary but funsss.... SO! as a foodiholic(?) and someone comes from HONG KONG, I would like to introduce you a dim sum called

仲有一日就係萬聖節(Hallosteem?!)啦,, 其實就唔駛下下都搞到咁,,恐怖既, 可以有趣啲既....
所以! 貴為一位來自香港的識食(?)之人, 等我介紹一款我好鍾意食既點心俾各位:

"can't wait Halloween untillll,
Creamy Egg Mustard Came Outtttt".



I wish all of you enjoy the shot without seeing something, yes it's something, like ghost flowing around.

希望你地鍾意張相之餘, 唔好睇到其他好似飄緊既野啦.

Photo is taken by iPhone 7 plus

Right, the real name should be milky mustard bun(my favorite, alright)

真名應該係叫 奶皇包既.

Last thing last,if you're interested, just shoot the link below for more info, thanks for the creative-made
最後最後, 呢款點心係來自以下既餐廳既, 多謝佢地既心思


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