Hallosteem Photography Contest Entry - Sweet Girl

Hi, steemit friends!

Happy Halloween!

“The Hallosteem Contest 2017”! “The Hallosteem Contest 2017” is a new contest hosted by @nicolemoker, @krischy, and @aaronli:

I'm so delighted to take part in this Hallosteem Photography Contest held by @aaronli. The following are my entries for it.

The following photos are taken by my phone when i am go shopping.

Entry 1


Entry 2


The next is gif format. It shows how sweet girl changing to horrible ghost. Do you know who is the girl? Let me tell you, it is me! I hope this GIF picture may not scared you!


If you have an interest in this contest, you can click here to know more.

The next station is Nanjing University Of Chinese Medicine 下一站:南京中医药大学

心之最,城之南 East Zhonghua Gate Historical Culture Block

逃之不得 躲之不了 We can not escape from rare delicacy

多彩古都--南京 Colorful Nanjing

菊花十月下扬州 Slender West Lake

Please Upvote and Follow me @sunnyjolly

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