( Prizes > $550 SBD ) The Hallosteem Contest 2017 #3

Hi Steemians ❤️,

Our Contests are started and waiting for your submissions! 🎃 🔥🔥🔥 Prize up to $550 SBD! 🔥🔥🔥


Happy Halloween!
How's your preparation for this cute and fun event? Are you ready for the makeup?
Or......... have you went to any Halloween Party in the weekend?
Grab your camera and join the contests below!

🎃The Hallosteem Contest 2017 🎃

"The Hallosteem Contest 2017" will be hold in 3 sections.

  1. 👑 Hallosteem Makeup Contest
    hosted by @nicolemoker

  2. 💃🏻 Hallosteem Costume Contest
    hosted by @krischy

  3. 📷 Hallosteem Photography Contest
    hosted by @aaronli

  4. 🎁 Hallosteem Lucky Draw
    All participates in Hallosteem Contest will automatically enter Lucky Draw.

Deadline: 5th November 2017

🌎We are welcome to all participates from all over the world. 🌎

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💰Prize Pool 💰

Sponsors welcomed.
Thank you for your interested in supporting all steemians in participating this contest! Your support will be the motivation on Steemit's community development and bloom in creativity.
All sponsors are welcome to leave the message here too.

🎉 Prize Pool ( Updated on 30/10/17) = $ 550.31 SBD

🌈If you would like to support this contest, please transfer to @nicolemoker . Please state which contest you are supporting and leave your message too, for those without notes will subsumed under lucky draw.🌈

1. Hallosteem Makeup Contest
@guyverckw$20贊助 Steemit社區萬聖節 Hallosteem 化妝大賽
@deanliu$15For 2017 HalloSteem - 15 SBDs for each tournament
@goodboyphilip$10要在日本爆食未能出席,捐款支持 Nicole 嘩鬼化妝活動!
@kona$5sponsor for hallowsteem contest, sponsor msg: Come to join the Music contest!
2. Hallosteem Costume Contest
@sportsteem$31Hallosteem17 SPORTS! Costume Contest - Grand Champion - 31SBD
@sportsteem$13Hallosteem17 SPORTS! Costume Contest - 2nd Place - 13SBD
@sportsteem$10Hallosteem17 SPORTS! Costume Contest - 3rd Place - 10SBD
@guyverckw$20贊助 Steemit社區萬聖節Hellosteem 服裝大賽
@deanliu$15For 2017 HalloSteem - 15 SBDs for each tournament
@kona$5sponsor for hallowsteem contest, sponsor msg: Come to join the Music contest!
@goodboyphilip$10要在日本爆食未能出席,捐款支持 krischy 嘩鬼服裝活動!
3. Hallosteem Photography Contest
@guyverckw$20Hallosteem Photography Contest: Let's enjoy the contest!
@deanliu$15For 2017 HalloSteem - 15 SBDs for each tournament
@kona$5sponsor for hallowsteem contest, sponsor msg: Come to join the Music contest!
@goodboyphilip$10要在日本爆食未能出席,捐款支持 aaron 嘩鬼攝影活動
4. Hallosteem Lucky Draw
@colmanlamkh$10.31小小心意 支持2017年的Hallosteem大賽
@helene$20The Hallosteem Contest 2017 活动支持 :)
@fishyculture$1Hallosteem Lucky Draw

halloween_2017-08 line-08.png


💰獎池 💰

🎉 獎池 ( 30/10/17 更新) = $ 550.31 SBD

🌈如果你想支持這個比賽,請轉賬到 @nicolemoker。 請說明您所支持的比賽並留下您的留言,沒註明的會歸入抽獎。🌈

1. Hallosteem化妝比賽
@guyverckw$20贊助 Steemit社區萬聖節 Hallosteem 化妝大賽
@deanliu$15For 2017 HalloSteem - 15 SBDs for each tournament
@goodboyphilip$10要在日本爆食未能出席,捐款支持 Nicole 嘩鬼化妝活動!
@kona$5sponsor for hallowsteem contest, sponsor msg: Come to join the Music contest!
2. Hallosteem服裝比賽
@sportsteem$31Hallosteem17 SPORTS! Costume Contest - Grand Champion - 31SBD
@sportsteem$13Hallosteem17 SPORTS! Costume Contest - 2nd Place - 13SBD
@sportsteem$10Hallosteem17 SPORTS! Costume Contest - 3rd Place - 10SBD
@guyverckw$20贊助 Steemit社區萬聖節Hellosteem 服裝大賽
@deanliu$15For 2017 HalloSteem - 15 SBDs for each tournament
@kona$5sponsor for hallowsteem contest, sponsor msg: Come to join the Music contest!
@goodboyphilip$10要在日本爆食未能出席,捐款支持 krischy 嘩鬼服裝活動!
3. Hallosteem攝影比賽
@guyverckw$20Hallosteem Photography Contest: Let's enjoy the contest!
@deanliu$15For 2017 HalloSteem - 15 SBDs for each tournament
@kona$5sponsor for hallowsteem contest, sponsor msg: Come to join the Music contest!
@goodboyphilip$10要在日本爆食未能出席,捐款支持 aaron 嘩鬼攝影活動
4. Hallosteem 抽獎
@colmanlamkh$10.31小小心意 支持2017年的Hallosteem大賽
@helene$20The Hallosteem Contest 2017 活动支持 :)
@fishyculture$1Hallosteem Lucky Draw

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Still hesitate to join? You have 2 weeks to prepare and win $550!
還要猶豫加入嗎? 你有1個星期的時間去贏$ 550!

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