STEEMIT GIRL HALO ~ Runawayrhymes 6 Poetry Contest

Well this is my attempt at poetry , and I know that the contest was First or Worst , but I combined them both. Here is a link to the contest if you are interested in entering.


Dear husband
Somehow you fell into my life at just the right time
Even though I was with my ex your presence just felt right
He would beat me almost every night
I was to scared to leave and to scared to fight
You kept coming to my work and asking me out
I kept telling you no , but I wanted so badly to go
I feared he would come after you and I had no idea what to do
He pulled up to my work one night and seen me talking to you
He gets out of the car with a tire iron and starts walking toward you
You just laugh at him and tell him to think about what he is about to do
That he will need more then a tire iron to come at you.
I had never seen him back away from anyone, I was so confused
Then I realized for some reason he was afraid of you.
That was the day Instead of leaving with him I left with you
You told me you would keep me safe and show me a different way
A life where I did not have to be scared and I would not have to cry
A life filled with love , laughter and light
Thank you my husband for not giving up on me
It is because of you that I still breath
Thank you my husband for saving my life
I will love you until the end of time

3 columns
2 columns
1 column