My new old Steemit mittens. Own handmade.

Autumn has come into its own and it's time to get warm clothes out of the closets. Reviewing my closet, I found a mitten, which I had made of wool by my own hands last year. 

One mitten I decorated, but for the second I have not found any time. Among my witches treasures I found a wool for felting in Steemit colors. And I decided to make the Steemit decor for my second mitten .

I promise that when I will buy a tripod for the camera, I'll make a video master class of how to make these mitten.

wool for felting in Steemit colors

also need a sponge for washing dishes and dry felting needle

It is very sharp and it has a little burrs, so be careful

put sponge into the mittin

place the piece of wool on the mitten how you want it to be

Gently hold the wool and begin to pierce wool and mitten with the needle , as shown in the video. Due to the recesses on the needle wool and mitten will be stapled together.

to fix the wool, it is necessary to use the wet felting, for this we need a container with warm water and soap

I soaked mitten, then lathered it with soap and water and gently at first, then with a great effort was rubbing it, so that better and uniformly united wool with mitten

then thoroughly washed mitten under running warm water, remove the unnecessary hairs with scissors and dry.

When there will come cold, I'll warm my hands in Steemit mittens :D

Hope that you enjoy my handmade

 I am open to feedback, and would love to know your thoughts about this subject and please do not forget to follow me.    

Sincerely yours @witchcraftblog

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