Don’t Grow Up! It’s A Trap

Today’s morning I accidentally ran into this picture on Instagram. I couldn’t stop looking at it. What an incredibly beautiful moment and what a great message!   

Immediately, I started laughing but then paused; realizing that behind that cheeky shout out lies a tragic truth.    

It’s a trap - and we’ve all gloriously stepped into it!

"No crezcas es una trampa" (Spanish: Don't grow up, it's a trap). Found on Instagram.

It’s A Trap  

One of the most characteristic differences between adults and kids is their view on the world.   

With age comes seriousness. It comes through responsibility. Suddenly you have to deal with problems that you didn’t have to face when you were younger. That has an impact on your attitude.   

Look into the eyes of kids and you look into their heart.

There is no pre-judgement, no doubt, no envy and no lies. There is just the purest and richest form of humanity that one may imagine. There is empathy, kindness, confidence, belief, good will, open-mindedness and SO MUCH LOVE.

Give me back some of that carefreeness of youth!
Let me be impressed by a butterfly, let me dance in the rain, laugh out loud from the bottom of my heart and eat mountains of sweets without regrets.


Let me be unprejudiced again!

Let me step into that world again and see it for the first time.

When growing older we tend to build a wall around us that impedes anybody to look inside. We care about ourselves and our own outcome (mainly in an economical sense), but don’t look next to us anymore.    

The world we’re living in converts us into busy, working, delivering, functional beings. The more time passes by, the more indifferent we become.    

But like everything in life our attitude and our perspective is a CHOICE.

Nobody can impede me to dance in the rain.    

It’s about not losing that naive view on the world that was given to us with the very first ray of daylight and the very first breath.    

It’s still there. It’s inside all of us. We just need to wake it up again.  

Thanks for your attention - and don't forget to get dirty today :-)

Marly - 

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