Decision Making - Why We Should Cherish The Here and Now

'Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations given habitually, are what preserve the heart and secure the comfort.' - Humphy Davy 

We usually strive for harder, better, faster, stronger or whatever superlative attribute the remote future might be holding for us.

In the meantime we miss all these shiny little events at the corner of our eye.

Picture: Me and my monkey (ice cream) on the 7th of April 2017. No filters applied.

Cherish The Here And Now

Perhaps happiness lies in the pursuit of short term pleasure. 

I was quite talented in planning my future story. My imagination created some amazing ideas, prepared some oustanding milestones and great achievements. 

Dreams, visions and goals are key to our personal growth. However, while we are looking ahead we should recognize that life is neither what happend in the past nor what´s going to occur in the future. 

Life is now. 

It´s the little things ready to hand that provide us with vitality, pleasure and joy.
It´s the instant moment that really matters and that is able to change us.

'Life happens while you are busy making other plans.' - John Lennon

It took me some decades to understand these words. 

Yes, I believe life will offer me some great opportunities in the future and I am constantly working towards them. However, these ideas don´t fulfill me at the present time. 

It´s the freedom of stopping time what really nurtures me today.
No shoes, no smartphone, no problems.  

Picture: Shirt "Always Known It Was You". No filters applied.

Chose Your Dreams Carefully (a true story)

The fact that people need to be constantly available in today´s world, is a serious issue.
It really makes us sick. 

Not too many months ago I was working as an Excecutive Assistant at one of the most influential and powerful companies of the area. 

My job was my life and the other way around. I was available 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. 

From the very first contact over several job interviews until the final signing of an agreement it took me 1 year. 12 months of fighting for my supposed DREAM JOB.

I perfectly remember the very first moment I started to challenge the authenticity of my dream. It was at a point of time when I had been in charge for this empire during several months. They gave me one day off which was a clear exception. I went surfing.

When I came out of the water I had several missed calls from the office. I didn´t call back immediately since I really needed a break and had no intention to get myself involved in some business in the meantime. 

Thanks to that decision I got into serious trouble. 

This wasn´t the only situation that contributed to a remote-controlled life at that point of time. 

I was constantly and unconsciously driving away from anything that really mattered to me.
I didn´t have any time for my family and friends anymore. I didn´t surf anymore. I didn´t sleep and eat anymore. 

From today´s point of view experiences like these put a smile on my face. Sometimes you have to learn what you don´t want in order to know what you really want. 

In my new life there is 'Marly first'. I don´t devote myself to anything and anybody any longer. It´s me who decides on the WHAT, the WHEN and the WHERE.


I hope you enjoyed this little trip to the present time :)

Marly - 

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