Forcing Happiness is quite unhealthy in the long run.


I'm' not sure if you guys have noticed how most youtube "Stars" and other social stars tend to over force Happiness. You can see that by looking at how over-amped they tend to get. Especially if someone has seen "Logan Poul". But overall those are examples that you guys can check out for yourself to see what I'm talking about.

Let's get to the topic at hand.

Forcing Happiness?

Most people tend to be fake when doing something social orientated. By fake I mean, they don't quite express things in the calm manner used off scene.

Now I've been asking myself, " What kind of a life role model is that?". I've noticed most kids trying desperately to be amped as if they are wrecked on cocaine or something. I'm not even sure if that is the definition of happiness itself. Rather brute forcing life circumstances.

When I was quite young I used to watch people like that and I ended up having a false expectation of happiness. That actually led me to a slight depression after time and being let down due to the inability to be "Happily Jacked on energy"

Looking back now at myself, it was quite easy back then for me to believe all the things I saw on TV or Youtube. Lucky for me I kinda got hit in the head with a bat and woke up from that stupid stuff.

Other Than That

On the other side, although this is somewhat false faked happiness, there are downfalls for the people doing it themselves.

As most might know by now, our emotions are interconnected with our bodies. And our bodies are used to work in an optimal manner, meaning that everything should be balanced. If one is truly happy and cheerful then his body will feel good and relaxed. If a person is under stress, then the body will be amped and kicked with dopamine to trigger the flights or fight response.

The dopamine sparks the cells and umps their working voltage, thus resulting in a full body cooldown afterward, or in other words, "Feeling Down and Wrecked".

By saying that, we can see that these kind of people are actually forcing an over-amplification of the body's response/nervous system.

If one tends to do that on a long-term basis, he might actually end up wear and tear ing his body faster. And it goes beyond that. That's only the Physical aspect of it all.


Compressing this down a bit, I wanted to say that sometimes people tend to do stuff for fame. And they get the fame because the things they do aren't natural. Therefore people find it interesting. But in reality, its always a good idea to think a bit logically before finding a "Role Model" figure. There's always the scenario where one decides to be something different than himself.

What do you think ?

Thanks for reading !


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