HAPPINESS CONTEST 01 - Conversation between father and son

My daddy @jacktan initiated a casual chat with me while on the way to school.

Daddy : Why are you helping me to collect the grip-hook during Chinese New Year?
Son : I want to help you.
Daddy : But I can do it on my own. Why do you still want to help me?
Son : Because you are my daddy.

Message by @jacktan, kids can always live a happier life with a simple analogy. They are not after any luxurious lifestyle as a recognition to be successful. It is often adult making their own life complicated by creating unnecessary expectation. **YOLO (You Only Live Once), ESEH (Enjoy Simplicity Enjoy Happiness). **

Continued from previous conversation...
Daddy : I always scolded you. Aren't you angry of daddy but still want to help me?
Son : That's because I am naughty and make you mad.
Daddy : I am proud of you, boy. You are growing up and daddy is getting older.
Son : And I love you daddy even when you are as old as "kong kong" (grandpa)

Source of image credit

Message by @jacktan, disciplinary taught is part of the education culture in Eastern society. Most Gen-Y parents may have a misconception that love can only be nourished with soft approach. They do not realize love can be groomed through hardship whenever deemed necessary. A very good example on soldiers in army still pay a great tribute and love towards their own country even though they had undergone "terrifying and torturing" national service training. ** LOVE is like a fresh air and it can appear in any form as long as in correct manner. ** (Of course also nobody like polluted air, this means LOVE had been abused)

**Happiness is the feeling, love is the key. ** Believe it or not, happiness can be easily pursued as long as you always see the world in the eye of kids perspective.

*Why Jack is leading @tanzy to share his thought on [Steemit](http://www.steemit.com) nowadays?*

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