Happy Birthday Steem! (SURPRISE INSIDE)

Hello Steemians, today marks the 1 year anniversary of the launch of Steem. Since then we’ve done a lot, including launch steemit.com. There have been ups (like SteemFest) and downs (like last week). But I wouldn’t trade this year for anything. We’ve definitely made mistakes, but we also created a small town on the internet (and soon to be big city) that attracted all of you, and for that we will never apologize.

To New Beginnings

We know we need to do better and we have concrete plans for doing so. There are big changes coming, and I’m happy to announce the first right now. Please welcome a new addition to our team, Mitchell Loureiro, who will be heading up our new marketing effort! Mitchell has an ambitious strategy planned that we hope you’ll want to be a part of. But I don’t want to reveal too much! So without further ado, meet Mitchell Loureiro.

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