😄 Things that Make me Smile! 😄

Don't you LOVE going through old albums!

These are my favorite shots taken from all over time and space

This is just an all out, AWWWWW!

This is a piece of industrial art that was at @dragons house. This thing was already pretty sweet on it's own, but leveled up it's coolness ratings by putting a dragon egg in its mouth and a feather in its cap! :P

Now while I know this is hard to see...it's worth the eye strain. You see there is a town I would pass on the highway quite frequently...called Uranus. Well the fact of the anal sounding planet wasn't lost on some eager entrepaneurs who opened the Uranus Fudge Factory! Every bit of their marketing makes use of the dirty sounding name...but it works! And the fudge is good too, Lol.

I loved watching sunsets from the porch when I lived here. Just so many gorgeous colors and patterns. I often thought how cool it would have been to have everything speed up (like time lapse) in front of me while watching that one spot.

I love this one every time I see it again. This is a friend of mine feeding my cat some treats in an unorthodox manner.

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Image Sources:
All Mine! Muuaahahaha! Lol

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