Happiness is...let me tell you a story about a shitty day first.

This is a slightly more elaborate #happydays post

Today was an incredibly shitty day. It was shitty from about 36th minute of me being awake. Rain falling all morning didn't help. I'm not sure who cried more, me or the sky.
I was not a good parent to my human children nor to my animals. I kept them fed and alive and that was about it. It was my lowest point this year. And I had no one to blame for the shitty morning but my self.


The dog was in time out because he lashed out on one of the kids. My youngest sought refuge at grandmas. My other two were so nice and loving and took care of me even tho I was an asshole. So I slept.
When I woke up the sky was clear and my mind was clearer even tho I was, and still kind of am, down. My home was turned upside-down by preschoolers who made their own meals while I was a sleep.


I had to pick my self up somehow. I tidied the house and packed up the kids and we went for a walk. Because dogs are good at making you go oit when that's the last thing you want to do.
They were all so nice. They weren't mad because they missed school or because I was a mess. The dog wasn't mad because he hadn't been on a proper walk and spent the morning in time out. I was humbled by their unconditional love. That was where I found true happiness today.
I tought about this post while crying in the bed today. It was such a horrible morning I tought I wouldn't be able to find anything positive in it.


But they told me stories, they made plans, they told jokes, climbed wals, picked flowers and hopped in muddy puddles. Little people and animals are the best.

Happiness is being unconditionaly loved

Check out my intro post about the Happy days celebration and join in.
Nothing like a little shitposting to light up your mood.

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